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Pondělí - Pátek 9:30-18:00
Sobota 9:30-14:00

Ibanez GSR200-PW


Ibanez GSR200-PW



Id zboží / Kód:

227303 / IBZ-GSR200-PW

Množství na skladu:0 pcs.
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Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Ibanez GSR200-PW

Ibanez GSR200-PW

GIO series basses are one of the most popular instruments for the beginning bass players. Good workmanship, friendly ergonomics and reasonable price make it a very good choice when you start your adventure with a bass guitar. Ibanez GSR 200 is a very ergonomic and lightweight instrument. The neck has a gentle profile and the whole construction is well balanced. The system of P/J pickups provides a full spectrum of sound and the guitar will be perfect for almost every musical genre. An additional active circuit allows to boost the signal. If you are looking for your first bass guitar, we recommend trying out the Ibanez GSR 200 model.

Technická specifikace:
Pro praváka / Pro levákaPro praváka
Připevnění krkupřišroubovaný
Počet pražců22
Elektromagnetické snímačesingle-coil/single-coil (s/s)
Druh elektronikyAktivní
Počet stran4
Povrchová úpravametalíza
Hudební stylymetal, indie, jazz, funk, reggae, rock, blues, alternativa

Názor na výrobek Ibanez GSR200-PW


Cena s DPH
7541 Kč
Doprava zdarma0 Kč