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Pondělí - Pátek 9:30-18:00
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Ibanez AS63-CRP


Ibanez AS63-CRP



Id zboží / Kód:

195936 / IBZ-AS63-CRP

Množství na skladu:0 pcs.
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Správce výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Ibanez AS63-CRP

Ibanez AS 63 CRP

Ibanez company, valued mainly for guitars for heavy metal guitarists, is also a producer of some of the best hollowbody and semi hollowbody guitars. For decades, Ibanez has developed a style that has convinced many famous jazzmen, bluesmen and representatives of the alternative scene. Currently, the Japanese manufacturer's offer includes guitars in various price ranges.

Ibanez AS 63 is a budget semi-hollowbody guitar series, at the same time, the quality of performance and sound allows it to show itself on stage and even in a recording studio without any complexes. Convenience of playing, and cult sound that will work in both jazz music and rock climates. The guitar gets along with fuzz effects and light overdrives. Classic design and subversive finish in ... pink!

Technická specifikace:
Pro praváka / Pro levákaPro praváka
Připevnění krkulepený
Počet pražců22
Elektromagnetické snímačehumbucker/humbucker (h/h)
Kytarový můstekpevný
Počet stran6
Povrchová úpravavysoký lesk
Hudební stylyblues, alternativa, rock, indie, jazz

Názor na výrobek Ibanez AS63-CRP

Cena s DPH
8152 Kč
Doprava zdarma0 Kč