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Otevírací doba
Pondělí - Pátek 9:30-18:00
Sobota 9:30-14:00

Dunlop John Petrucci Flow, Player′s Pack


Dunlop John Petrucci Flow, Player′s Pack



Id zboží / Kód:

191517 / JD-DL-P-0205-548P-JP-2

Množství na skladu:0 set
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email: [email protected]
Dunlop John Petrucci Flow, Player′s Pack

Dunlop John Petrucci Flow

Developed in collaboration with legendary shredmeister John Petrucci, this pick is designed to complement his huge sound and the intricate passages he's famous for playing. It projects volume and depth thanks to Ultex, and its uniform bevel allows John to move from string to string with ease.

• 3 pieces in a set
• Thickness: 2.0mm.

Názor na výrobek Dunlop John Petrucci Flow, Player′s Pack

Cena s DPH
164 Kč
Dodávka kurýrem235 Kč