e-mail: ics@musicsquare.cz

Otevírací doba
Pondělí - Pátek 9:30-18:00
Sobota 9:30-14:00

E.Soprani 809 KK 37/3/7 80/5/4 akordeon


E.Soprani 809 KK 37/3/7 80/5/4 akordeon



Id zboží / Kód:

139679 / SOPR-809KK-BL-RD

Množství na skladu:0 pcs.
Produkt již není k dispozici.
E.Soprani 809 KK  37/3/7 80/5/4 akordeon

E.Soprani 809 K 37/3/7 80/5/4 accordion (blue, red bellow)

E.Soprani accordions are perfect choice for musicians seeking a good quality sound and performance at an affordable price. Made by hand in the Italian Castelfidardo, accordions feature Italian Tipo C voices mounted in product made of the highest quality pine wood.

• Voices: Tipo C

• Descant part:
- 37 keys (g-g")
- 3 choirs
- 7 registers

• Bass part :
- 80 buttons
- 5 choirs
- 4 registers

• Dimensions: 475x185mm
• Weight: 9,2 kg
• Colour: blue with red bellow

Názor na výrobek E.Soprani 809 KK 37/3/7 80/5/4 akordeon