Název: | Aquila U NN 61O |
Výrobce: | Aquila |
Id zboží / Kód: | 218964 / AQU-U-NN-61O |
Množství na skladu: | 0 set |
Pozor! Cena tohoto zboží se mohla změnit. Aktuální cenu a čekací dobu dohodnete s opatrovníkem výrobku. | |
Jiné označení výrobku: | Aquila New Nylguit Oud Iraqi classical guitar strings, Aquila U-NN-61O, Aquila U NN 61O, Aquila UNN61O, U-NN-61O, U NN 61O, UNN61O |
Správce výrobku: | Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768, email: [email protected] |
Aquila New Nylguit Oud Iraqi
Full sets and single strings for Arabic, Iraqi and Turkish Oud. Treble strings are made with a newly discovered high-performance bioplastic that Aquila calls Sugar. Wound strings are made of an an-allergic red copper winding (except for the third strings of the Arabic and Turkish sets, and for the fourth strings of the Iraqi set, that are wound with a special grey colored metal blend) with low noisiness under the left hand’s fingers
• String conversion: Sugar gauge = Nylon gauge x .91
• Tuning: Iraqi
• Set: ff-cc-gg-dd-AA-F
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