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Tc Electronic Tc Fangs Metal Distortion


Tc Electronic Tc Fangs Metal Distortion


TC Electronic

Id zboží / Kód:

171431 / TC-FMD

Množství na skladu:0 pcs.
Pozor! Cena tohoto zboží se mohla změnit. Aktuální cenu a čekací dobu dohodnete s opatrovníkem výrobku.
Správce výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Tc Electronic Tc Fangs Metal Distortion

TC electronic TC Fangs Metal Distortion

Tap into a world of high-gain riffage with Fangs Metal Distortion and its super versatile set of tone tools that let you sculpt your sonic onslaught to perfection. From ultra-tight thrash tones to thick walls of doom metal distortion, you'll find it all here and then some in this highly affordable pedal that's ready to slay the stage!

Let's be honest, you're not here looking for a nice transparent overdrive or a bluesy crunch. If you are, you must have taken a wrong turn down by the Tubescreamers at isle 14. No no no, you want the gain, all the gain and nothing but the gain! Fangs Metal Distortion delivers that in spades. So whether you're looking for tight and raunchy rhythm tones ala Metallica or searing Slayer-esque solo sounds, you will be able to get there in no time with Fangs Metal Distortion's ultra-tight and bone crushing gain structure.

A guitar lives and dies by the mid-frequencies, and when it comes to metal the mids are more important than ever. That's why Fangs Metal Distortion offers a versatile mid-frequency selector plus individual bass and treble controls, so you can go from raw classic metal tones to scooped nu-metal and all the way to super-beefy sludge metal tones with the flick of a switch.

Fangs Metal Distortion is a ferocious tone monster, but we've managed to contain the sonic brutality in a compact enclosure that's built like a tank, while outfitting it with top-mounted jacks for a hassle-free implementation on your board. Now add true bypass to the mix, so the beast only takes over your tone when you need it to, and you got a great starting point for your metal mastery.


• Ultra-thick high-gain distortion tones
• Versatile mid-control
• Super-tight response
• True Bypass
• Top-mounted I/O
• Compact and roadworthy enclosure
• Highly affordable - Extreme value for the money
• Runs on 9V batteries or optional 9V PSU
• Power consumption: 9V DC and 8mA

Názor na výrobek Tc Electronic Tc Fangs Metal Distortion

Cena s DPH
1214 Kč
Dodávka kurýrem235 Kč