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Pondělí - Pátek 9:30-18:00
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Groove Tubes ECC83-S Select


Groove Tubes ECC83-S Select


Groove Tubes

Id zboží / Kód:

156541 / GT-555-0112-391

Množství na skladu:0 pcs.
Pozor! Cena tohoto zboží se mohla změnit. Aktuální cenu a čekací dobu dohodnete s opatrovníkem výrobku.
Správce výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Groove Tubes ECC83-S Select

Groove Tubes ECC83-S

Groove Tubes has been manufacturing, importing, and grading quality power tubes for two decades. No stranger to Sweetwater, Groove Tubes founder and energy source Aspen Pittman has paid us numerous informative (and always entertaining) visits through the years. His tireless pursuit of perfect tube tone has resulted in Groove Tubes' reputation for consistency and premium quality. Want proof? Fender tube amps now include Groove Tubes as standard equipment, and true tube aficianados worldwide swear by the tubes and pro audio products Groove Tubes makes.

The GT-ECC83S preamp tube represents the classic "Euro" type tube, with medium to high gain and a linear frequency response. The GT-ECC83S gives you a very clear, even tone with good bass character. This tube type was long used as standard equipment in Marshall and Vox amplifiers. For those who change first stage gain preamp tubes to change the character of their amps (remember, this can be done in less than a minute without tools, adjustments, or a "tech"), the GT-ECC83S is definitely an essential.

• Tube
• Very good sound
• Long life

Názor na výrobek Groove Tubes ECC83-S Select

Cena s DPH
440 Kč
Dodávka kurýrem235 Kč