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Barczak Cases 2x Showtec Phantom 50 Led Spot


Barczak Cases 2x Showtec Phantom 50 Led Spot


Barczak Cases

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Množství na skladu:0 pcs.
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Správce výrobku:
Filip Koperski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Barczak Cases 2x Showtec Phantom 50 Led Spot

Barczak Cases wheeled case for 2 Showtec Phantom 50 Led Spot Heads

Professional transport case for moving heads.
• Space for 2 units of Showtec Phantom 50LED Spot
• Compartment for accessories
• Corner fittings - rounded
• Two "butterfly" closing
• Two built-in handles
• Wheels with lock
• Laminated plywood

Engraving visible on a chest is not a standard model, there's a possibility to execute it in special order.

Názor na výrobek Barczak Cases 2x Showtec Phantom 50 Led Spot

Cena s DPH
8504 Kč
Doprava zdarma0 Kč