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Ernie Ball 2006 Earthwood Extra Light struny na akustickou kytaru


Ernie Ball 2006 Earthwood Extra Light struny na akustickou kytaru


Ernie Ball

Id zboží / Kód:

106762 / EB-2006

Množství na skladu:1 set stav ze dne: 2024-06-26 09:40:21
Kamenný obchod
Expediční sklad
Správce výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Ernie Ball 2006 Earthwood Extra Light struny na akustickou kytaru

Ernie Ball 2006 Earthwood Extra Light Acoustic 80/20

Ernie Ball is the world's leading manufacturer of premium electric and acoustic guitar strings, bass strings, and guitar accessories. Ernie Ball's strings have been played on many of the best-selling albums of all time and are used by some of history’s greatest musicians.

Made from 80% copper, 20% zinc wire wrapped around hex shaped tin plated steel core wire. The most popular acoustic guitar strings provide a crisp, ringing sound with pleasing overtones.

• Gauges: .010 .014 .020w .028 .040 .050
• Made in USA
• Brighter sound spectrum

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